The Bible God’s Amazing Book
Genesis Part I
Genesis Part II
Red Sea to The Jordan River Part I

Red Sea to The Jordan River Part II [1]
Return to Jerusalem Part I [2]
Return to Jerusalem Part II [2]
Servants of God Part I [3]
Servants of God Part II [3]
The Divided Kingdom and The Minor Prophets Part I [4]
The Divided Kingdom and The Minor Prophets Part II [4]
Ruth and Esther

Isaiah Part I

Isaiah Part II


​​[1] Includes Ex, Lev and Num.
[2] Includes Gen,1.2 Sam, Jer, Eze, Dan, Ezr, Hag, Zec, Neh, Mal.
[3] Includes Jos, Jud, Ruth, 1.2 Sam.
[4] Includes 1.2 Kin, Hos, Joe, Amos, Obad, Jon, Mic, Hab and Zep.